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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stock Your Dorm Pantry and Avoid the Freshman Fifteen!

So you are headed to college in the fall. How exciting. And terrifying. You may be asking yourself: Where are my classes? Where are the buildings my classes are in? What will my professors be like? Will I like my roommate? Will she like me? Will I make friends? Is the Freshman Fifteen real? 
I can't answer the other questions, but I might be able to help you with the last one.  At your high school homecoming you may have observed a returning college student who gives validity to the myth. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University showed that the average college student gains only two to three pounds in their first year. Additionally, it showed that college students did not gain any more weight than non-college students of the same age, and the only factor that did increase weight gain was heavy drinking. * 
My daughter actually lost about fifteen pounds from walking to class and biking everywhere else.
For the first time in your life you are responsible for your meals. This is an important time to create healthy habits. Your parents have probably bought a plan that includes meals in the cafeteria as well as snacks in various campus restaurants and stores. So checkout the cafeteria first. You can make wise choices, but it may be a challenge.
In visiting the school cafeteria with my daughter, I observed vegetables cooked to mush. Evidently the cook thought added fat would make up for the lack of nutrition. The majority of the entrees were either fried or loaded with carbs. On a positively scary note, the cookies and ice cream were good. 
Your best bet is to choose  a grilled entree  and make a trip to the salad bar. Cool it on the mayo-laden salads and grated cheese. Choose fruit for dessert. Stick an extra apple in your backpack for later. Save the cookies and ice cream for an occasional treat. 
Another way to control your calories takes a little preparation and organization. All you need is this shopping list, a mini-refrig, and a microwave to make meals in your room. 

Shopping List

Boxed or Canned Soups 

2% Cheese, shredded, sliced & cheese sticks
Whole Wheat Crackers
Low-fat lunch meat
Canned Chicken and Tuna
Whole wheat tortillas
Turkey Chili/no beans
Peanut Butter (Nutella for a special treat)
Baby Carrots
Simply Fruit Jam &/or Honey
Whole Grain Cereal, instant oatmeal, granola bars
Mustard & Light Mayo
Fresh and/or dried fruit
Dry pasta and pasta Sauce
Frozen meals and waffles (if you have a tiny freezer in your frig)
Bagged salad
English Muffin, whole grain

Microwave Popcorn, light

Boxes of juice and a case of water

Your mother always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You will learn she is right about that and so many other things. The odds of getting to the cafeteria before class are nil-to-none. (My experience on campus left me wondering how many pajama-clad-students actually brush their teeth before dashing across campus.) You need fuel in much the same way your car does. Try these quick and easy ideas to keep your body running. 
  • Monday:    Breakfast Burrito w/scrambled eggs, cheese & salsa on a whole wheat tortilla and a juice box.
  • Tuesday:  Dry cereal & dried fruit in a baggie. Juice box.
  • Wednesday: Granola Bar, fresh fruit & milk.
  • Thursday:  PBJ on English Muffin w/yogurt & juice.
  • Friday:   Oatmeal w/honey, a banana and milk.
  • Saturday: Frozen waffles with PBJ, milk, fruit
  • Sunday: Doughnuts and coffee at church! (What? It's Sunday. Have a treat!)

         Lunch is probably going to be on campus and between classes.  Pack a sandwich, fruit and a bottle of water. Stock your backpack with  a cheese stick, a granola bar, packaged peanut butter crackers, or cheese crackers for snacks. Stay hydrated and fueled.  Passing out in class is not pretty! Been there! Done that! Don't want the t-shirt!
If pizza is in your budget, choose a thin-crust cheese pizza or one with lots of veggies.  Try to work in a salad made primarily of dark greens and chopped vegetables. Go easy on the cheese, bacon bits, croutons and high fat dressing. It defeats the purpose of eating a salad, but still better than a bucket of fried chicken or a pizza supreme.  
A grilled chicken sandwich is a better choice than a quarter-pounder with cheese.  Try a side of fruit instead of fries. Chic-Fil-A’s carrot raisin salad contains two servings of vegetables and a serving of fruit making it a smart, satisfying choice.  

Snacks and/or Dinner (just add bagged salad or carrot sticks, and fresh fruit to make it dinner):
  • Monday: Whole Wheat Tortilla Roll-ups w/low-fat lunch meat or chicken, cheese & salsa.
  • Tuesday: Soup w/crackers and cheese.
  • Wednesday: Turkey Chili Quesadilla w/baby carrots and fruit.
  • Thursday: English Muffins,topped with pasta sauce & cheese.
  • Friday: Chicken or tuna salad made w/light mayo on crackers or an English muffins.
  • Saturday: Snag a bag of Fritos, and make a Frito Pie w/Turkey chili. 
  • Sunday: Go to Mom's!
For my daughter, I put all the pantry items, plus a few leftover containers, plastic baggies, plates, and plastic ware into a Rubbermaid tub. The tub's primary purpose is to keep everything together and out of reach of small woodland creatures (not to mention roommates with questionable boundaries). It can be stored under the bed or used for extra seating. (No doubt it will be used as a step-stool at some point. Keep your health insurance in effect.)

Girls, if your room is this well-stocked you won't have any trouble making friends. FYI--You'll need twice as much if you start feeding boys.

Boys, if your room is this well-stocked your parents will be in awe and offer to increase your allowance. Okay, maybe not, but they sure will be proud.

If you have or know a student going off to college in the fall, put these items together in a tub, stick a bow on it and you'll have a great gift. It wouldn't hurt to attach this post.

With these ingredients you have the makings of many meals. Holler if you need any more ideas.
PS. On the issue of calories from alcohol--YOU ARE UNDERAGE! IT'S NOT AN OPTION!!! Your mother thanks me.
*Kim Palmer (November 1, 2011), "'Freshman 15', weight gain is a myth: study" Rueters. 

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