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Friday, April 15, 2016

Jonah Navigating a Life Interrupted, written by Priscilla Shirer, Navigated by Me!

"How do you see your life being interrupted in the next seven weeks as we study Jonah?" the bible study facilitator asked.

"Bahaha! Are you serious right now? I am Jonah. We thought we would retire in our lovely, comfortable home of thirteen years in a Dallas suburb. Atlanta wasn't even on our radar.
For two years we prayed the Prayer-that-Never-Fails-"Thy Will be Done" and for favor as my husband's company pursued a merger with another company. The failed merger led to reorganization of the company and elimination of his job. At age 62 he fully expected to be given a retirement package. Instead he was given a promotion which required a move to Atlanta.
My family is in Texas. I have four granddaughters in Oklahoma. (Yes, I have a daughter and son-in-law there too, but we all know who really counts). I didn't want to leave Texas. However you don't pray for favor and then tell God, "Oh, but not Atlanta!"

I moved AND downsized kicking and screaming. I didn't want to leave my family or my friends. I didn't want to leave my church and support group. I didn't want to leave a long list of medical providers. Starting over is rarely fun, but certainly not when you've reached the age where they no longer ask for your I.D. to give you the Senior Discount. Once upon a time all I needed was a general physician and occasionally an OBGYN. Now I require a list of specialists to hold me together.

 He has already granted me favor in the smallest of things. Someone who cuts my hair right! The first time! That, my friend, is what I call a miracle!! 

The house I was certain was much too small is perfect. Yes, I'm using three closets to hold my abundant collection of clothes and accessories, but I'm cleaning it myself and using my runs up and down the stairs as cheap gym membership.

I "happened" upon this women's bible study when all the others I look into were finished until fall. Could the subject matter be more appropriate for me? No.

So I thank Him for the interruption in my life and look forward with anticipation to what He has in store for me. I'll let you know how it's going, but so far obedience has paid off. I'm not in the belly of a whale!

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

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