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Showing posts with label Tablecloth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tablecloth. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simple Tablecloth

I attended a workshop, Finding Your Piece of the Puzzle, by my friend, Tanya Magnus, which led to the creation this blog. To thank her, I baked some sugar cookies and made a simple tablecloth to incorporate the theme. 

Not knowing what kind of table I would be working with, I bought two yards of material.  If it hadn't covered the table, I would have called it a runner.

First, I pressed under 1/4" on all four sides.

Next, I pressed another 1/4" on all four sides and finished with a decorative top-stitch.

Done! If you want beautiful corners. This lady has an easy tutorial. She does it on a treadle sewing machine.  No fancy top-stitching for her!  I'm impressed. YouTube Video for Mitered Edged Tablecloth

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